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Getting Started with Docker


Time to complete: 20 minutes


The Docker approach requires Docker for Mac, Linux, or Windows. On Linux, docker-compose must also be installed.

Memory dedicated to Docker should be increased to 4GB or more. This is a snapshot of memory usage with demo records and no dashboards. iHRIS, Redis, and Postgres use very minimal RAM, compared to Kibana (552MiB), ElasticSearch (846MiB), and HAPI FHIR Server (821MiB).

$ docker stats --no-stream
CONTAINER ID        NAME                CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT  
e70fb8fa618b        ihris               0.00%               66.21MiB / 3.848GiB
8c97df1a9977        ihris_redis_1       0.18%               2.156MiB / 3.848GiB
6899574ca46f        kibana              1.00%               552.5MiB / 3.848GiB
e0a178ab8a1f        es                  2.17%               846.8MiB / 3.848GiB
19cd64447c41        fhir                1.19%               821.4MiB / 3.848GiB
8c1f348e9e3e        ihris_db_1          0.20%               54.07MiB / 3.848GiB

Clone the Repository

Clone the repository and change to the root of it.

git clone
# or for advanced users who may want to contribute later
# git clone
cd iHRIS

Launch iHRIS

iHRIS and all it's supporting software, mentioned above, can be launched by using one docker-compose file. This should run everything you need without running any further commands

docker-compose up -d
# the -d backgrounds the server stdout


The command above, good internet and some patience is all you need to run iHRIS.

Now open http://localhost:3000 and log in using username: and password: ihris

There will be no dashboards by default.


Troubleshooting Notes

Ensure that /resources are loaded, check the logs:

ihris     | [winston] Attempt to write logs with no transports {"message":"Loading Autoload resource directory: ../resources","level":"info"}
ihris     | [winston] Attempt to write logs with no transports {"message":"Saving Basic - ihris-page-practitioner","level":"info"}
ihris     | [winston] Attempt to write logs with no transports {"message":"Saving Basic - ihris-role-admin","level":"info"}
ihris     | [winston] Attempt to write logs with no transports {"message":"Saving Basic - ihris-role-open","level":"info"}
ihris     | [winston] Attempt to write logs with no transports {"message":"Saving Basic - staff","level":"info"}

How to build a container locally and immediately remove it. For example:

docker run --rm -it --network ihris_default $(docker build -q -f Dockerfile.upload.definitions .)

This uses the helpful hint from here to build and run an image then delete it.